EBSCO Business Source Complete

1: Ensure that you are connected to your institution's network, either directly or via VPN.

2: Copy the generated search query by marking it and press Ctrl + C or use the context menu by right clicking with your mouse.

3: Open the following link: https://search.ebscohost.com

4: Click on EBSCOhost Web and on the following page click on Business Source Complete

5: Paste the search query into the search field next to the green Search button.

6: Press the green Search button.

EBSCO Academic Search Complete

1: Ensure that you are connected to your institution's network, either directly or via VPN.

2: Copy the generated search query by marking it and press Ctrl + C or use the context menu by right clicking with your mouse.

3: Open the following link: https://search.ebscohost.com

4: Click on EBSCOhost Web and on the following page click on Academic Search Complete

5: Paste the search query into the search field next to the green Search button.

6: Press the green Search button.


1: Ensure that you are connected to your institution's network, either directly or via VPN.

2: Copy the generated search query by marking it and press Ctrl + C or use the context menu by right clicking with your mouse.

3: Open the following link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org

4: Click on Advanced Search and on the following page click on Command Search.

5: Paste the search query into the search field above the orange Search button.

6: Press the orange Search button.


1: Ensure that you are connected to your institution's network, either directly or via VPN.

2: Copy the generated search query by marking it and press Ctrl + C or use the context menu by right clicking with your mouse.

3: Open the following link: https://search.proquest.com

4: Paste the search query into the search field next to the green button with a magnifying glass on it.

5: Press the green button with a magnifying glass on it.

ACM Digital Library

1: Ensure that you are connected to your institution's network, either directly or via VPN.

2: Copy the generated search query by marking it and press Ctrl + C or use the context menu by right clicking with your mouse.

3: Open the following link: https://dl.acm.org

4: Paste the search query into the search field (top right corner).

5: Click on the blue SEARCH button.


1: Ensure that you are connected to your institution's network, either directly or via VPN.

2: Copy the generated search query by marking it and press Ctrl + C or use the context menu by right clicking with your mouse.

3: Open the following link: https://sciencedirect.com

4: Click on Advanced search and on the following page on Expert search.

5: Paste the search query into the search field labeled "Search for".

6: Click on the Search button.


1: Ensure that you are connected to your institution's network, either directly or via VPN.

2: Copy the generated search query by marking it and press Ctrl + C or use the context menu by right clicking with your mouse.

3: Open the following link: https://aisel.aisnet.org

4: Paste the search query into the search field labeled "Enter search terms".

5: Click on the Search button.
